Writing Challenge

Essay Writing Challenge

This is your chance to shine!

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written



Photo by Juan Jose on Unsplash

Greetings, PW Writers! Let’s embark on a little writing challenge. Let your muses out and win a prize!


Write a personal essay using the following prompt:

What drives me as a writer?


  1. You must be a PW writer.
  2. Only one (1) entry per writer.
  3. The essay must be between 1000–2500 words
  4. You must have a clearly stated Title and Subtitle. Entries without a Subtitle will not qualify for the competition. You may use ‘Response for the Essay Writing Challenge’ as your subtitle. Do not expect an editor to remind you or add a subtitle for you.
  5. You must use the following two tags — Essay and Writing Challenge. The other three tags are whatever you wish them to be. Entries without those two tags will still get published in PW, but they will not qualify for the challenge. Do not expect an editor to add these tags for you.
  6. All entries are due by February 28th at 6:00 pm US CST. Use this converter to make sure your essay is in on time.
  7. Winner will be announced on March 1st.


  1. Links to your own favorite stories.
  2. Links to favorite stories from other writers on Medium that inspire you. These must be properly cited.
  3. Links to YT videos, if music helps drive your writing. These must be properly cited.
  4. Passages from books that have influenced you. Quotes from people who inspire you. These must be properly cited.
  5. Your own art work or photography. Be sure to cite them as ‘By the Author’.
  6. Anything else that may help your readers understand what drives you to write.


That would be me. I will be the sole judge in this competition so all the editors can also try their hand at it. I will not be participating, only judging.

What will I be looking for? Well-written essays with personal anecdotes and how well you’ve followed the rules. Write your best essay, check it for grammar, spelling and punctuation before you submit it. If you need help to make sure your essay has few to no errors, please check with Rose Malana as she is our Line Editor. You can email me to ask for Rose’s services (ravynehawke@gmail.com)


Bet you thought I’d never get to this, huh?

The prize will be your own Featured Page at the very top of PW for the entire month of March. Your feature page will include everything you’ve written on PW. You will also have an opportunity to create an article that lists all of your work from anywhere else on Medium and it will be added to your feature page as well. If you are a new writer to Medium and PW and you do not have many stories submitted, you have 20 days to get some in. I will also promote your featured page on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as include it in every newsletter during March.

So what say you, PW Writers? Are you up to the challenge? Show us all what drives you as a writer. Make us envious of your talents. Make us want to be you! Give us all you’ve got. You have 20 days!

Good luck!
Ravyne Hawke, EIC



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh