Family : Symbol of Happiness or Selfishness

Monthly Prompt for October 2023: Family.

Sujit Chakraborty
Promptly Written
2 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash

Let me begin with my childhood conception of a family. We were two brothers. I was the younger. My elder brother was in hostel in his student life and immediately after passing out the master’s degree he was offered a lucrative job which posted him at a far away city. So, in a nutshell I was living alone with my parents.

In a nearby place in my uncle’s house there were cousins who were like siblings cum friends. And there were neighbors who could be accepted as our family members. In an Indian society of that time, we enjoyed the unique neighborhood experience in our society. Money was not the prime factor for any relationship.

In course of time, I got married and started my family life with a role reversal of course. Now I have to take responsibility and so I am on the other side of the table. My family members have some expectations which I must try my best to fulfill.

Reality is different from imagination. Sometimes they’re polar opposite words. May be some of us have a wrong idea of family which doesn’t include any responsibility. At the same time, it is also true that we must have imagination and dreams also. We are not robots.

Finally, I want to submit that in my view family always means some amount of selfishness, which may be good or bad but if you want to build a good family life you need to be selfish. Family means a small unit in the big society or country. When in a family you have a separate identity that makes your stand away from the crowd. I want to hear from readers what is their opinion about it. So, please reply!

