Feelings of Books

Noemi Ergas Bitterman
Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2021


Photo by Heather Barnes on Unsplash

The title of this story was inspired by a charming little book I saw yesterday at a dear friend’s home that is beautifully filled with books. The book “Feelings of Flowers” was displayed on her bookshelf.

The book was a gift from a husband to his wife on their decades-long wedding anniversary in the early part of the 20th century. The book is handwritten in impeccable fountain pen script and the corners of each page have watercolor painted flowers — a true work of art.

The book lists hundreds of flowers in alphabetical order and next to each flower name the husband expresses a feeling of love or life experience shared together with his wife. I was blown away by the feelings and emotions expressed in this little book. The inspiration and expression of love of each word meticulously written are still with me.

Books bring out the passion in me. My home is filled with books, some I have read and some I have never opened. Feelings of books make sense to me — I FEEL books the way people feel plants.

Books connect me to the author, to their feelings, and to their knowledge. I feel the experiences shared through the writer’s words. Books are alive to me, they have a soul.

I assumed everyone loved books and everyone’s desire is to amass books and fill their home with the feelings of books until I visited many homes with no books. I was aghast! What is a home without books!

My Dad was an avid reader, he always had a book, newspaper, or magazine in his hands. My Dad was Google before Google, he knew everything! Although I don’t know as much as my Dad, I am well-rounded in many topics and I yearn to read and learn more!

My most favorite place in the mall is Barnes and Noble and Starbucks. AHHHH the joy of reading and coffee, it is better than a spa day.

Books transport you to places and feelings, they teach you, inspire you, keep you company, make you laugh, make you cry, teach you how to live, invest, cook, and on and on and on…BOOKS ARE ETERNAL.



Noemi Ergas Bitterman
Promptly Written

Much like Pablo Neruda, “I write, I write just to not die”