
Episode 17 of the June Murder Mystery

Peter Ling
Promptly Written


Photo by Kristina V on Unsplash

Bale was reading about June Sommers. Well, he was trying to, and with good intentions since early in his career, he’d been told that knowing the victim is at the heart of finding their killer. Usually, the killer is known to them. His short attention span stemmed partly from his sense that this was not the usual kind of crime. Sadly, a large number of murders were moments of domestic violence or criminal transactions gone wrong. Bale did not see Sally Adams as a killer and to his knowledge, Sommers was not involved in criminal activities. So, he needed to know more about her circle.

On one level, it seemed vast. She had lots of followers on social media and a global network of fan clubs. Hers was a face known and admired around the world. Murder typically happens on the basis of recent events, although there are occasions where revenge is, as the proverb recommends, a dish best served cold. That was why Bale wanted to know more about Tad Zeus and the brooch. Recently June had been working with an Italian cast and a French director so Bale was using his rudimentary internet search skills to see if there was anything significant about her interaction with them.

He was not learning anything he could seize upon. It didn’t help that his French was poor and his Italian, worse. But most of the internet seemed to be filled…



Peter Ling
Promptly Written

Historian and biographer but thankfully with a sense of humour. Expert on MLK, JFK, the Civil Rights Movement, and presidential scandals.