From The Eyes Of Prey

The impact of inequality and victimization in 100 words.

Tas (they/them)
Promptly Written


A person with long hair walking down a cobblestone street.
Photo by Christian Gertenbach on Unsplash

The checklist begins:
..whistle, pepper spray, heavy bag…

I check the news online to make sure no one will accost me…this time.

Construction on 2nd avenue, I must change my route. Every month the predators try to get their prey. Well, not me, not this time, not today.

Everyone likes to act with ego and absolutely no kindness. It was my fault, they say, but it's not. Divide and conquer is the motto, so I avoid walking by the campus after six.

No one notices.

No, they all notice, but choose to remain silent. I am my only voice.



Tas (they/them)
Promptly Written

Tas is an autistic horror writer with a deep love for science fiction and body horror.