Good Manners are a Must

A little effort goes a long way

Heather Lawrence
Promptly Written
2 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

As a Canadian, politeness was drilled into me as a child. ‘Pass the potatoes’ wasn’t good enough. If you didn’t follow that up with a ‘please’, you got nothing. This is something I instilled in my children as well, although perhaps with a little more finesse.

If you’re entering an establishment and someone is exiting, holding the door is common courtesy. This especially holds true if that person is elderly, pushing a stroller, handicapped, or has their hands full. It doesn’t matter if that person is a man or a woman because letting the door slam on them or the person behind you is unacceptable behavior. Also, if someone holds the door for you, a ‘thank you’ is required.

If you’re in the grocery store, and someone has decided that the middle of the aisle is the best place for their cart, a simple ‘excuse me, can I squeeze through?’, is the polite thing to say. When they move their cart, a ‘thank you’ is required. Is that too much to ask?

If you are in line and ordering some takeout, say ‘thank you’ when they give you those extra pickles on your burger. This is also true when ordering at a sit-down restaurant as well. Be polite to your server, and you will get good service. One thing you never want to do is be rude to someone who is handling your food. I’m just saying.

Today, someone’s lack of manners irked me. So this is a friendly reminder. Take the time to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, because it makes a difference. Remind your kids to be polite, wait their turn, or just be kind to others. A little effort really does go a long way.

Thank you for reading.

