Short-story | Creative Writing | Prompt |

Have you ever…?

Run for your life!

Elisabete Gonçalves da Silva
Promptly Written
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2021


Foto de cottonbro no Pexels

Today I got home and found a huge mess.

The door was open… there were broken plates and glasses, overturned chairs, dishcloths all over the floor, a pan lying around…

I was a bit scared seeing it all that mess along with black footprints all over, but I was curious and concerned about my family, so, the urge to get in was bigger than the fear.

I looked and did not feel the scary atmosphere — I am a sensitive person and always trust my instincts — when I went inside.

I heard a big bark, and this enormous dog came running through the door and knocked me down.

I immediately felt glued to one of the black footprints and almost fainted!

I started picturing scenes of attack, blood all over and the killer stepping over it and leaving those black footprints when he was coming out.

I was so scared about what I would find inside, but I also wanted so badly to know what happened. I found the strength inside me to unpin myself from that black stuff and go on.

As I entered the kitchen and moved forward to the living room I heard racing.

