Her Dance

Poetry - A poem - The Experience Watching Her

C. Chou
Promptly Written
2 min readApr 1, 2022


Image courtesy of the author

Gentle twinkles
Rang out from bells
Adorning her ankles

Their sounds
Both gentle and charming
Both beautiful and enticing

Twirl after twirl
She crosses the stage,
The bells endlessly chiming

Beat after beat,
The drums reverberated
In perfect sync
With her tapping feet.

Verse after verse
Her steps
Matched audible ebbs and flows

As if they were a component
Of the original piece
Created by the composer himself,

A physical representation
Of the endless rush of emotions
Brought by the musical cadence

Each sound of the bells,
Each sound of the drum,
Each whisper of her feet
Against solid wood,
Seemed to perfectly fit.

Every motion,
Every sound,
Enraptured his attention

He smiled,
His heart swelling fondly
At the gracefully passing figure

In his heart he knew well
All the treasures
In the world
Were swell

But none
Could hold a candle
To the happiness
That he felt
As he watched her enticing elegance

She was his entire world
For her,
He could
Gladly give everything

If it would let him
See her dance

To see her eyes glisten
Each time she shared her elation
With a cheering crowd

Nothing could replace
The simple act
Of seeing her eyes shine in delight
And her future glowing bright.

This story was inspired by a writing prompt from the “Storyteller’s Vault” Publication.

Cadence | Swell

Special Thanks to Chelsea Marie for the prompts and Ravyne Hawke for publishing.

And finally, thanks to all of my readers for reading!

If you liked this piece: Be sure to check out my other works published at Promptly Written!

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A Flame
CD Player



C. Chou
Promptly Written

A writer that loves cabbages and bamboo, but also enjoys writing and sharing fiction (particularly the fantasy genre). Read more at: https://chouxherbe.com/