He’s Just My Dad

For better or worse

T.K. McDonald
Promptly Written


Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

This is that crazy time of the year where it gets really hot and we figure out how to celebrate Father’s Day. Except for me, it’s a bit more complicated because my dad is a movie star.

When I was a kid, my father spent much of his time on the road. Mom and I didn’t mind as we loved spending time together. We’d often turn on the television and there he was playing a doctor on one show and a lawyer on another one.

Every kid in town would tell me how lucky I was that Lee McQueen was my father. It never felt lucky to me.

I often heard my mom crying late at night. We’d be expecting my dad to come home, but instead he stay away for long periods of time.

The crazy thing was, we had everything that you could imagine — big house, designer clothes, fast cars and a chef. Yet somehow, something was missing.

On the day that dad finally arrived home, we spent hours together playing video games and making our favorite cookies. Mom always seemed happiest during those times. Every now and again he’d surprise us with a vacation to some place I couldn’t pronounce — oh the fun.

Then like a ghost, he’d be off again living his movie star life. Mom and I went back to just being the two of us. Life seemed so ordinary.



T.K. McDonald
Promptly Written

Tamila is a flash fiction visionary: Twists, Turns and Teasers. Within creativity I find life! tkmcdonald@inbox.com, Follow me on Twitter: @TKMcDonald22