
Episode 28 of the June Murders

Peter Ling
Promptly Written



Stephan Likhodheyev loved camel racing. He had attended meetings in Saudi Arabia, and the Arab Emirates, and even in Australia, but he loved the Mongolian races best. Partly it was the spectacular scenery, but mainly he loved the spirit of the people who raced. It was a matter of honour to them, and in his opinion, there wasn’t enough honour in the world. His father had scoffed at him when he said this. “Honour is a luxury,” he had declared. “If others want to give it to you, thank them, by all means. But it does not mean you should give it back.” This was one of the many occasions on which Stephan thought to himself: How am I the son of this man?

The prize money in the Mongolian races was small compared to the Arab ones, but the frenetic betting meant that there was still a lot of money to be made. Stephan had befriended a Kazhak millionaire who was backing a couple of local businessmen to run on-site betting at the race. Current returns were over 1000%. This is the kind of thing my father would understand, Stephan thought.

It was as he was waiting for his jet to be refueled that he caught a glimpse of a story on social media. Apparently, June Sommers had been killed. He was shocked. Once on the plane, he opened his email and read a message from his UK intermediary confirming that Speed Technologies had fulfilled their…



Peter Ling
Promptly Written

Historian and biographer but thankfully with a sense of humour. Expert on MLK, JFK, the Civil Rights Movement, and presidential scandals.