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Hope! The Only Reason To Live

A poem

Ghina Zaidi
Published in
Nov 2, 2021


We seek strength in our weak times,

We feel restless and our peace declines.

Not all are strong not all are weak,

We all need a ray of hope towards new peak.

Going to the office, She feels unsafe,

Feeling helpless, she can’t file a case.

Forced to love and cheated on,

She lost all the hopes that her life will go on,

How can I assure her to have faith?

Where is the hope or God’s wraith?

We live with the hope to meet again,

but someone gone forever leaves insufferable pain,

Where to find the hope to compensate this freight?

Saying is easy but only behind the closed gate,

I don’t have the strength to cope,

how can I find the power of hope?

Thank you Ravyne Hawke for the weekly prompt.



Ghina Zaidi

Multi-Passionate Freelancer! writing poems and articles about the bitter society. Optimistic, detail-oriented. Writing for the love of it.