I Cannot Catch Time

Monthly Prompt for November 2023: Theme:: Time

Sujit Chakraborty
Promptly Written
4 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Analia Baggiano on Unsplash

As a science student, I had learnt to question about anything around me since long. Many of such queries were about time, because it is one of the most enigmatic topics in the universe. Mostly we can relate the time with clock and watch. But it must be understood that watch is used for measuring the time.

Who Invented Time:

Can you tell me who invented the time? Don’t search the answer in Google! There you may find who discovered the clock. But before the clock was discovered, time was there. Time is eternal. It is like a river that flows quietly over us. Its movement is silent. It neither barks nor produces any alarming effects even when situation demands it in many instances of our lifetime.

You Cannot Catch Time:

There must be some moments when you’re unable to cope up with task, discover that it is a gross injustice by the creator of the universe to make your day restricted in 24 hours only and vigorously try to captivate the time but failed to do it. You cannot captivate Time.

But you have learnt that time is valuable and that makes you chase the time. That habit is responsible for so many lifestyle diseases the world is suffering nowadays. We always fear that we will miss the bus! So, RUNNING is a necessity, Isn’t it!

Time is Money:

Time is an illusion, time is mysterious. We sense time only psychologically. It is very difficult to define time! Definition of time based on physics seem dry and inadequate, because for a physicist time is what clocks measure. But we know very well time means much more and it is related to our life, memory.

Mathematically, time is a one-dimensional space which is assumed to be continuous. The fact that time may be treated as a fourth dimension does not mean it is identical to other three dimension of space. In fact, time and space exist in our daily experience and physical theory in a distinct way! So, in my opinion time can be seen as an abstract phenomenon like modern art or poetry.

Time is Relative:

Great scientist of twentieth century, Albert Einstein who was famous for his ‘Theory of Relativity’ explained the relativity of time in a beautiful way by saying, “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.”

You may wonder whether time passes slowly in love! A smart young lady replied that it is not necessarily true. When you experienced the first kiss, time seems to stop and then it feels like forever but when you are suffering from a bad relationship and trying hard to escape from it time moves very slow.

Time is relative even for human body, which is a biological clock. Time and again we wish to freeze time for enjoying any special moments endlessly. This is where photography comes to help us as they convert moments into memories.

Time Travel:

Like many other people I too sometimes think about going back to my past life to start afresh by correcting mistakes I committed earlier. Is it possible to do so? Probably not. Why? To answer this ‘why' we need to have a clear understanding of ‘time machine’. Well, what exactly a time machine is?

Idea of time travel may be credited to a science fiction novel, Time Machine written by H. G. Wells, which was originally published in the year 1895. In this novel idea of time travel by using a vehicle or device was initially popularized.


A question may come to your mind, ‘Is time travel practically possible ?’ According to NASA, time travel is possible, but not in the way you may imagine! Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity says that time and motion are relative to each other, and nothing can go faster than speed of light which is 186,000 miles per second!

Let me stop here today without going for further information from science. If anyone is interested in those detail I’ll come back with another story on some other day. But here I want inform my readers (if any!) that till date no time travel has been made possible and so I could not go back to my earlier days or years to make any change of past incidents, though it is not possible if we can finally time travel possible in future. We cannot catch it… it is an impossible task for a human being.

