Photo by José Martín Ramírez Carrasco on Unsplash

I can’t keep up with the world

We all try to escape through undeniable situations every day. Every tough situation that gets through us, breaks a part of us. This is what I feel that happens.

Ghina Zaidi
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2021


I can not keep up with the world,

I’ve been broken through several ages of time,

I forgave that lineage and never looked behind,

I kept moving forward, but the resistance grew stronger,

I reached a point where I couldn’t hold it any longer.

All it took was a gush of bitterness to put an end to my held up strength,

I lost hold of the atoms I held up for such an extensive length,

All of my pieces shattered down through the fabric of time,

I couldn’t find a way to move through dimensions to pick up the dimes,

One dark light, filled with thunder surrounded my reality,

I summoned myself from the Universe and escaped into virtuality,

Running away from the nightmares, I submitted to this simulated actuality,

The circle hit me again and I got stuck again in the formalities.

There is no escaping this cruel normality,

I am in search of myself now, running away from inescapable barbarity.

If you enjoyed this poem and would like to support me, please buy me a coffee as the MPP is not available in my country. Thank you very much!

Thank you.



Ghina Zaidi

Multi-Passionate Freelancer! writing poems and articles about the bitter society. Optimistic, detail-oriented. Writing for the love of it.