I Live With A Ghost

Marc Barham
Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2021


Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

I can tell you were skeptical. You have every right to be so. I was. But no longer do I exist in that liminal state of not knowing. But you decided to see if there is any truth in my declamation. Well let's see, shall we? Let us move together — all of us so driven — through that liminal space that we inhabit now and enter my reality of such a haunting.

There is a form that inhabits my home. It is human in shape and contoured in every aspect to maintain that appearance. Tall and female but unable to speak; or perhaps unwilling. I do not presume to understand why or why not. I have only my suspicions of the meaning of this entity. I once — maybe long ago or just last week, I know not which — must have affronted their conception of themselves as a being-in-the-world.

This conception of themselves must have been as a real being. Yet I disrespected her and thought of her existence as ghostly, and gone when I did not lookup. A presence. At certain times of the day. A door would open and it appeared. Nothing said. I tried to speak to it. But cold silence I was given. Unearthly emptiness. I tried for weeks to talk and converse with her. But my efforts only wasted upon the space inhabited by the form.

I have not given up but I have decided only to acknowledge its presence now for my sanity alone. For I began to wonder if this ghost was perhaps a signal of a deep…



Marc Barham
Promptly Written

Column @ timetravelnexus.com on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site. https://linktr.ee/marcbarham64