Igniting the Spark for a New Earth

A Poem

Asim Nori
Promptly Written
1 min readApr 27, 2022


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

When the consciousness that you are
Is not identified with the thoughts of the false self
You see the world just as it is
And not define it with labels to soothe yourself

You do not judge the situations
That passes through your life
You just sit back and watch them
With there being no internal strife

You recognize the mind’s torrential waters
As inhibitions from your past
And also anticipations about the future
Hence deciding that this boat shall not cast

With the increase in universal awareness
Humans are now reaching this stage
Where the mind dwells in the present
Evolving out of their conditioned cage

Free from the judgments of good and bad
You now transmit an elevated vibration
Inviting new circumstances
In sync with a higher dimension

You are now changing the world
In your immediate perception
Indivisible from the whole
Igniting the spark for a New Earth’s creation



Asim Nori
Promptly Written

A being on the path of remembrance, sharing experiences along the way.