Important Update: Closing Doors

Sad news edition

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written


Photo by Bruchin Noeka on Unsplash

Greetings PW writers and readers. I was going to wait to make this announcement in the last newsletter for June, but I believe it is important to not spring this information on you at the last moment.

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that PW will be closing at the end of June.

This is not a decision taken lightly. It has been birthed over many months of deep contemplation. I won’t go into all of the small, intricate details for this decision, but there is one main reason — my health is at a detrimental point, both physically and mentally. I’ve tried altering my work schedule times and even taken a few short breaks, but none of that has truly helped. They’ve just been bandaids on a gaping wound. My lack of participation has not been fair to you nor to my editorial team.

Here is how this will work:

  • I have already closed Submissions.
  • The last newsletter will come out sometime on July 1st, as will the announcement of the winner for the latest writing challenge.
  • I will be archiving PW. This means that your work can remain here if you’d like. Or, you may remove your work from PW. That is entirely up to you.
  • Since Medium doesn’t have a means to archive, only to delete, I will be removing everyone as writers on June 30th. This means your work will remain here, but you will no longer be able to submit new work.
  • In the last newsletter, there will be a list of other publications where you can submit your work in the future, as well as where to find writing prompts.

Why Archive And Not Delete?

It is my hopes that if/when my health improves, I will be able to re-open PW, but restructured. If I totally delete it, I would have to start from scratch all over again. If and when I do open PW again, it will only be a place to grab prompts. I won’t be adding writers or publishing content.

I want to thank all the writers who made PW such a great success. You have dazzled me over these past nine months with your amazing, creative minds. I also want to thank those who came to PW as readers. And finally, I want to thank my awesome editorial staff. My gratitude to all of you is more than mere words could ever describe.

Much love
Ravyne Hawke, EIC



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh