It All Began

In The End

Joe Merkle
Promptly Written


Painted on the inside of the lid was an exquisitely detailed portrait of a bride and groom in their colonial attire. There could be no doubt. It was us. In exquisite detail.

Roger, my newly minted husband, makes a habit of surprising me. I’m not complaining mind you. I wake up every morning wondering what is in store for me. All my friends are jealous.

We had to postpone any honeymoon plans because both of us had business projects in the works that needed our attention. Sigh. Our deadlines are arriving soon, and our honeymoon planning can commence once again. Roger is a history freak. Yuck. I love him like no tomorrow, so I put up with him dragging me to museums and the like.

I must admit I do like it when we visit the occasional pawn shops where he always somehow finds a way to buy me an antique piece of jewelry without me knowing. Maybe I should be worried he is so sneaky.

We have assembled two honeymoon destination lists. Mine includes Jamaica, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Hawaii, and the Cayman Islands. Notice a theme here? Beaches, all-inclusive resorts (free booze), and very few historical destinations to bore me.

Roger’s list falls into two separate categories for me. Tolerable and no way. His tolerable destinations would be Spain, Portugal, and Greece. At least they all…



Joe Merkle
Promptly Written

I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.