
Episode 12 of the June Murders

Peter Ling
Promptly Written


Photo by Natasa Grabovac on Unsplash

Once Bale and Collins had got back to the office, the rest of the day flew by in a flurry of phone calls and written reports. Bale had passed over DCI Bill Symonds’ contact details and asked Collins to follow up the Taylor investigation.

He had sighed, “be polite,” as he did it. “This is important. And it may be the only case we solve,” he said. “Meanwhile, I will try to get the international liaison people to give me a contact in LA to follow up on Tad Zeus and Dragonfly there, but I’m not holding my breath.” He looked heavenward. “The time difference with California should fit nicely into my sleep schedule. Oh, and don’t forget to update the case records.” I won’t, if you don’t, thought Collins.

Eventually, Symonds replied to Collins’s email with a bulky attachment. It contained the only photo available of Zac Taylor and it did not look recent. Collins forwarded it for reprints and advised the uniformed section that the DCI was requesting a house-to-house inquiry at all properties overlooking the crime scene with a phone follow-up regarding the status of all empty properties. As he read, the stark contrast between the first and second killing struck him.

Taylor’s head had been shattered by multiple sledgehammer blows and the same approach had been taken to his extensive computer equipment. No mobile…



Peter Ling
Promptly Written

Historian and biographer but thankfully with a sense of humour. Expert on MLK, JFK, the Civil Rights Movement, and presidential scandals.