Language of Poetic Verse

Jules interpretation of Poetry #5

jules - Miz Mindful
Promptly Written


Photo by Bas Glaap on Unsplash

Today’s interpretation is of a poet unknown to me. Greg Prince. I decided to step outside my comfortably small circle to discover more in the poetry world. I used the hashtag Tanka for today’s interpretation, as it is emerging as a favorite for me.

The title grabbed me first as I feel that reawakening with a more profound sense of spirituality. The short Tanka resonated deeply with my Poetry language journey.

His words after the poem: We will find our voice. Though it sleeps in shadows and holes, it will return.

That appears to be the story of my journey thus far. Those who know me know my spiritual path assimilate with the Wizard of Oz. Today, I share my Tanka series that combines my spirit and my journey thus far through the language of Poetry.

desiring to learn
language of poetic verse
challenge the senses
breathe new life in written word
fear evoked and set aside

empty tin man heart
courageous lion roared loud
scarecrow brain frozen
I think I can, yes I do



jules - Miz Mindful
Promptly Written

Juggler of words as Miz Mindful -- editor Creations Over Coffee, artist, writer, Mindset Coach, Owner Mindful Expressions, Canvassador, - but call me jules!