Lie That Ended It

Flash fiction for the daily special — Nov 2nd

Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written


Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

Callie stared open-mouthed at the destruction before her. Bits of debris floated through space, black and charred. What once was a huge thriving planet was now no more than broken pieces. Her heart thudded against her chest as a sob escaped her lips.

She didn’t think he would actually destroy the whole planet just to end one person’s life. He was no better than the man he killed. How could someone have such low regard for life, they could just take it away so easily?

A tear slipped down her cheek as she watched the chunks drift by the window of her room. She should have stayed back on Earth, then none of this would have happened, and all those people would still be alive.

She took in a ragged breath as she swiped at her eyes. Her lies caused this, and she needed to tell the truth before more innocent people got killed.

With newfound courage, she straightened her spine and marched out the door. Its familiar hiss as it shut made her decision feel more final. There was no turning back. It was okay. She didn’t want to turn back, didn’t want to chicken out as she had before.

All eyes turned to stare at her as she emerged onto the bridge. She realized what a mess she must look like with red puffy eyes and a tangled…



Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written

I am a multi genre author writing mostly romance, fantasy, and sci-fi.