Father Figures

Love Letters straight from the Heart, could have legally, torn them apart.

It took me many years to get past the wishes, for the extra time I should have spent with him…

May More
Promptly Written
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2022


A young man in British 2nd world war army uniform
Copyright May More

Fathers or father figures:

Well, I’ve had a few…

  1. My Birth dad. The older I get, the more I wish I had known him.
  2. The man who adopted me as a child with my Mum. The less said about him, the better, really. He sexually abused me before I was eight years old. Not raped, but fiddled with, and coerced to do the same in return. He told me he loved me.
  3. My stepfather, who was a hard-hearted man at times.
  4. My Uncle George. A kind, sensitive soul who deserves a post all of his own. I have great admiration for one of my Mum’s cousin’s husband, who I called Uncle.
  5. But what I really want to write about is another almost Uncle, Tony. He was my Mum’s older cousin.

Uncle Tony

As a youngish man, Tony had married Betty, one of my Mum’s friends. They never had children (except, very sadly, a stillborn). Then years later his wife died of cancer. What tragic circumstances he had had to endure.



May More
Promptly Written

Freelance Writer/Editor - Fiction & Personal Essays - Microcosm💜Lipstick & Powder💜 KTHT 💜 Cocktail Club pubs / Proud Mum / Like growing things, coffee & hens