Love’s Tenderness

A poem on love’s gentle empowerment

Korynne Dunleavy
Promptly Written
1 min readJan 22, 2023


Photo by Tyler Clemmensen on Unsplash

Oh, tender love that warms my soul,
In what world would anyone wish
To be rid of such fire as if an illness?
Should the stars themselves cease
To shine like boats on an endless dark ocean,
This light inside my own heart would be
Bright enough to guide any lost body home;
A beacon to tell all my heart is full.

What sort of love could rival this?
A fool’s dream driven by lustful desires
And demands of the flesh? Surely not;
Purity of mind and soul sing songs
That drowns out the raucous chorus
The sinful world calls music. Two souls
With one common goal of goodness;
Nothing could stamp out that sort of bliss.

Though on the surface I am a bashful fool
I cannot deny the strength that boldens me within.
A simple look and the kindest words
Make me soar within higher than birds.
If only the world could love as I do now,
Would there be any room for selfishness?
How could there be? For every doubt I ever face
Is banished away; only love is left to rule.

Poem inspired by Tuesday’s prompt; empowerment. Featured in Promptly Written.



Korynne Dunleavy
Promptly Written

If you send me any strange idea that pops in your head, I could write something about it. Currently, I am a freelance writer, editor, and social media marketer.