Making Time for Family: Before It’s Too Late

Why I want to be a better me in 2022.

Niall Leah
Promptly Written


Image from shutterstock Bystrov

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

I love the adage “better late than never”. It’s this quote that occupies my mind as I sit writing this 4 days before the closing date of this competition. It offers some hope that it’s not too late after all. I sincerely hope this is true, as it ties in with what this essay is about.

Thank you, Winston, for providing the context through this competition.


It’s not that it hasn’t been on my mind. It’s just a topic I don’t discuss very much. Since it’s you, dear reader, I’ll share but don’t talk to anyone else.

Another Christmas away

Christmas always helped me bring this into focus.

Christmas is generally the only time I feel homesick. Christmas, before I moved, was the only time I would stay at home for a couple of days since moving out in my late teens.

It’s a special day where contemporary family rifts vanish and only peace reigns.

My family eat a meal together, start drinking in the afternoon, and watch Christmas movies or play games all day. It’s a day of family truce. Gossip ceases, nobody fights, and…



Niall Leah
Promptly Written

An ex-pat from the UK living in Chengdu, China. I satisfy my endless curiosity about the incredible journey of humanity by reading, traveling, and writing.