Mauve — The Scent Of Life

Writing Prompts Jan. 1–7, 2022 — The Smell of Mauve

Barbara Mac
Promptly Written


Sunrise over fields of lavender
Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

Mauve is the scent of loss, of sorrow
the sharp bite of burning leaves
pale mauve smoke a mourning veil
across the autumn sky.

Mauve is the scent of hope.
Flowers of spring herald summer warmth.
Irises rise through snow
Their fragrance signals winter’s end.

Mauve is the scent of memory,
Rosemary for remembrance, pungent and sweet.
Purple grapes hold memories of summer
Flavoring the wine to come.

Mauve is the scent of forgiveness, of peace.
Lavender’s perfume calms the restless mind
its oil purifies and heals.
The violet’s fragrance forgives the uncaring tread.

Mauve is the scent of freedom and strength.
Wild Heather flowers in rocky soil.
Scoured by wild winds it thrives,
Thistles defy the storms.

Mauve is the scent of contentment.
Drooping wisteria shades from languorous heat.
Fallen Jacaranda blossoms carpet soft grass,
A fragrant couch.

Mauve — the scent of life.

Barbara Mac 1/4/2022

Response to first January Prompt from Promptly Written
Courtesy of
Christine Graves



Barbara Mac
Promptly Written

Exploring the human experience on this beautiful, fragile planet hurtling through the universe.