“Mom, No”

These were some of the most vivid nightmares I wouldn’t wish upon my enemies.

Cj Brown
Promptly Written
3 min readOct 15, 2021


mage from Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

He saw his mother laying in bed. Her hair short and curly, smiling lovely at him, arms open. The room was still a mess, clothes piled on the bed instead of being hung up in the portable closet or the literal closet that still had space. The comforter was a lavender with a shade of teal going throughout forming something like a flower and was still longer than the rest of her mattress. He had gone in and that’s when she changed. Her face morphed; she had no nose or teeth. The center of her head started to point upwards about 3 feet. Her hair started moving on its own eventually revealing snake heads and her arms became knives. She cut me across my back; it felt numb.

“ Oh come now something the matter,” she hissed in a voice that was split in two. “ You’re usually more clingy than this.”

He backed up and bolted but his legs felt like molasses and he wasn’t moving anywhere near fast enough for his liking. She let loose a cackle that made his blood shiver. The house started to change and contort in ways that people couldn’t even do. After a moment a spider-tendril scraped across his leg stopping him.

Come here dear child one shouldn’t run from their mother”

He looked and immediately regretted it. Her mouth became hairy and sharper eventually becoming spider pincers. Then a deep searing sensation blared onto his back.

See, look at what the little shit is doing. Good kids DON’T RUN FROM THEIR MOM. THEY STAY NO MATTER WHAT! “ bellowed the voice behind. It was the aunt. She had her conniving claws in his back pinning him.

“Someone help!”

Nobody’s gonna save you, impudent child,” both creatures bellowed in the tune of a clown singing happy birthday as they inched towards him.

After a moment, he managed to escape. Blood seeped from his wound. Just as the two creatures hopped onto the bed, he dove out the window. Upon rolling over on his back, he discovered a sight most terrible. The whole neighborhood had transformed. The ground was shattered like glass all around him floating becoming platforms.

“See what happens when you don’t take care of mother, the whole world turns against you.” followed by a malicious laughter.

He stood up and started jumping from platform to platform, each one less sturdy than the last. Eventually he came across a solid land mass at least 20 feet below. He stopped from a moment, looked behind him and to his horror they were gaining. He decided his only option was to jump, and when he did so, his whole body went numb.

Everything started shifting again and he eventually was standing. He bolted. But it was no avail the arachnid-like women descended, and in droves this time. They came from all directions. One eventually hit him with her paralyzing stinger while she was above him. He prayed the best he could, but no one answered.

I hope you enjoyed this. It’s from a book I’m working for what seems like ages now. I rewrote it in third person because it flowed better. I want to know if its scary creepy etc.



Cj Brown
Promptly Written

Hello all. I’m a college student currently who enjoys reading all forms of books, art, video games, and writing.