Monthly Theme For November

With a grateful heart

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written


Photo by Ann on Unsplash

For the month of November, the theme here at Promptly Written will be

With a grateful heart

Here in the United States, November marks our holiday of Thanksgiving. While this traditionally means a big feast with family and usually football on the television, it is also a time to give thanks for all of the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us for the year coming to an end.

To set this as an international theme, I’ve chosen the simple words of a grateful heart. Throughout this month, ask yourself what are you grateful for? Maybe you’d enjoy keeping a gratitude journal for 30 days. You can include them here on PW in shortform each day if you’d like. Or perhaps you’d like to write an essay or some poetry based on the theme.

Just as most of the prompts given throughout October related to things that go bump in the night, the prompts this month will help direct you to a grateful heart.

How To Use Monthly Themes

  1. Write specific poems, fiction, essays, or articles related to the theme — try using the Writing Sparks.
  2. Choose a Daily or Weekly prompt, or select a Writing Spark, and center your piece around the theme.
  3. Remember to tag your work appropriately and if you wish, use #monthlytheme as one of your tags if your work is centered around the theme.

Writing Sparks

  1. Write a poem to a specific person showing how grateful you are for having them in your life.
  2. Keep a 30-day gratitude journal.
  3. Write a fictional story up to 1000 words in which two people express their gratitude for someone — Is it set at a funeral? Is someone being given an award? Or? You decide the setting and write the dialogue.
  4. Write an essay or article on how life could change if more people had grateful hearts.

~Ravyne Hawke~



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh