Morning to Night

A Poem for the Prompt: Where the twilight meets the dawn

Rhonda Marrone
Promptly Written


Photo by Ryan Hutton on Unsplash

Stars gleam in the black of night
Diamonds on the necks of gods.
Burning sun rises in the morn.
Dawn meets twilight,
Steels the diamonds from the dark.

Gusty westerly winds
Blow through stands of last year’s cattail.
Fluffy seed pods billow up
On the blasts of warm dawn air.
Thousands of seeds glow pearly in the sun’s rays.

In the early hours of an April morning
A surprise snowfall arrived.
Snowflakes caught in spider webs
Hung suspended in the gossamer,
Rhinestones melting in the rising sun.

~~ Rhonda Marrone 5/2022

Thanks to Ravyne Hawke for everything she does and to Christine Graves for the prompts:



Rhonda Marrone
Promptly Written

Poetry and Essay Writer. Be Open Editor. Lover of all things nature. You can most likely find me sitting under a tree ,watching birds, writing poems.