My Body is a War Zone

A poem

Ember Forrest
Promptly Written
May 15, 2022


Photo by Ilona Panych on Unsplash

If life is a battle
And my body is a war zone
In the veil of all there is
When will there be peace

I have been blinded by love-
I have written a story in my mind
To be cursed by an artist’s soul
Is to be crucified in the end

And if my desires are too much to ask for
Lord- I thank you
But I will tear my heart out
And throw it over the canyons into the dark

Should I meet the other part of me
In an empty field
And decide our differences have been met
If both cannot live in the end

There is a fire that rages within me
And a heart made of glass
I have prayed for my inhibitions
To be gone at last.



Ember Forrest
Promptly Written

Poet, story writer, aspiring screenwriter. Meet my characters and take a journey into their worlds.