My Eyes Are Open

Spiritual prompt response, coincidence?

Rayna Pummel
Promptly Written
3 min readApr 20, 2022


Created By Author via Canva

I see you speaking to me, in ways I haven’t quite heard before.

Through a strange series of events with connections seemingly unclear.

It began at the start of this new year, a strange inspiration to again start writing.

Sharing my life with strangers on a platform of which I had no knowledge.

Thoughts I’ve always pondered showing up repeatedly in articles what I believed to be my words written by unfamiliar authors.

One of which I’ve come to follow quite closely, for there is something in their words that make me feel connected.

Then a stranger is placed in my life who believes in similar systems.

Of this, I didn’t know until ordering books for him, they just happened to be about a higher power of his understanding.

He too was searching to regain his spirituality.

Turns out these books were exactly the concept of which these authors have been writing.

The same ideas I have been thinking about since the day I began my recovery.

The events which transpired over the course of the last few weeks have been nothing short of eye-opening.

I recently made another commitment in 90 days to attend 90 meetings.

So far in every one of them, the topic has been connecting with a god of your understanding.

In response to Marcus aka Gregory Maidman weekly spiritual prompt. Thank you for this perfect topic for me to put it all together.

I have always felt connected to the universe, I have always been attuned to seeing the little ways it speaks to me when I am willing of course. Since making this commitment to truly find spirituality for me, the signs and messages and connections have been overwhelming. Almost to the point of me feeling crazy.

Recently, I was gifted the opportunity to help another addict in need, he ended up going to the same treatment facility I did, and I was able to help him through his 6-month journey and was honored to see him graduate from one of the toughest rehab centers in the midwest!! It was a moment of true speechlessness, to be able to help someone through something so difficult that I myself did not even complete, and then on top of it, the program directors were so inspired and proud of my accomplishments in the last 2 and a half years and my service work to this program member, asked me to join the alumni which is suppose to be for only those who graduate. Cudos to the universe yet again for impeccable timing, it was perfect as I had just left the alumni committee of my previous sober living community.

Not so soon after, I began my 90 and 90. I went to a meeting and ended up asking a woman to sponsor me who has a similar story to mine. In particular, she struggles to this day in regards to her children and them living far away from the other parent just as my daughter does with her father. I have also been more inspired to share about my daughter here and with this new sponsor recently trying to work out my self-doubt, shame and guilt for not being a mom to her. Well, it just so happens the Universe decided today to open the gates of second chances and my daughter’s stepmom reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to have dinner with her in 2 weeks when she is in town to discuss some things. I pray it is in regard to me being allowed back into my daughters life.

So as these two weeks go by and I continue to seek my truth in the understanding of a power greater than me, I will not forget to be aware of the signs and messages this universe loves to unfold before my eyes. For in them I find the greatest part of life. Understanding and peace of mind.



Rayna Pummel
Promptly Written

A Recovering Addict, Mother of 2, 27 year old ♒ This is my experience, strength, and truth about my journey to untangling my mind.