My latest mistake: The nightmare boy

Jackson Barr Stories
Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2022


Check out Sleeping Gods Act2 #8 in New Writers Welcome — I published it there by accident!

Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

Let’s be honest. I’m writing this article as a kind of penance for a publishing mishap. I was so excited to finish and share the climax of my Sleeping Gods series here on PW. And I checked my phone first thing in the morning (I live in Australia, so generally my night is most PW editor’s day and vice versa) and was excited to see it had been published and that David Perlmutter had already read it. And then I looked a little closer. It had been published by a name I didn’t recognise and I thought to myself, ‘I was so sure I knew every PW editor’s name and profile.’ As it turns out I do and I’d submitted my article to New Writer’s Welcome by mistake. Now don’t get me wrong. I love the NWW publication and I’ve published heaps of articles there. That’s why it’s in my publication list after all. But not this article, because it is supposed to be part of a featured series kindly hosted by PW. Anyway, enough about my publishing mishaps. To the story!

We find Abraham in a freshly minted universe with a really big problem. It’s being eaten by a really angry dark titan. Nobody really knows what this thing is (the serpent might ;-). But it is clear that if someone doesn't do something, the universe has a very poor life expectancy. Problem number two: the only person who can…



Jackson Barr Stories
Promptly Written

Learning to read more like a writer and write more like a reader.