Natural Thought Prompt #6

Moon Gardens

Rose Maligne
Promptly Written


Photo by Brad Newcomb on Unsplash

The prompt: What would you include in a moon garden?

Hello! Welcome to May’s month of Natural Thoughts prompts. As they say, April showers bring May flowers, so I figured this month’s theme could be flora. The first prompt I want to introduce is the concept of moon gardens.

A moon garden is a garden (duh) that consists of plants and flowers that bloom under the moonlight. The flowers are typically white or another pale color that reflects the moonlight. Examples include certain species of phlox, evening primrose, white daffodils or tulips, and so many more!

Moon gardens also attract a lot of pollinators. While this may include bees and moths, sometimes you’ll also attract bats. It depends on where you are and what flowers you’re growing. All of these creatures have great uses and purposes for our ecosystems, so it’s important to take care of our gardens for them.

Moon gardens are meant to illuminate our nights and they smell amazing. There are plenty of flowers in moon gardens that have fantastic aromas, such as night-blooming jasmine.

My prompt for you is to use the concept of moon gardens to create a piece of writing. Write about fairies dancing on flowers in the night, or describe your own garden!

The guidelines:

  1. Write any kind of piece based on the prompt above!
  2. Make sure your first tag is either “Fiction”, “Poetry”, “Essay”, or “Article” depending on what it is!
  3. Tag me at the end of your piece (@rosierosebtr3) so I can read your response and comment on it!
  4. If you publish your piece outside of Promptly Written, be sure to tag @ravynehawke as well so she can view your post and mention it in our newsletters.



Rose Maligne
Promptly Written

Writing is a long-lost lover of mine, here is what my muse and I have produced. Enjoy.