Natural Thought Prompt #8


Rose Maligne
Promptly Written


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The prompt: What inspires you about a superbloom?

A superbloom is a rare event where “an unusually high proportion of wildflowers” blossom at (about) the same time. This occurs specifically in deserts, such as Death Valley in California. Remember an earlier prompt where I mentioned the seemingly monochromatic desert? In the instance of a superbloom, color is everywhere.

Specific things must happen in order for a superbloom to occur. First, the desert must be dry enough that invasive grasses don’t take up moisture. Then, there must be enough rainfall in the fall that goes deep into the ground. The rain has to travel to reach the dormant seeds of flowers.

There must then be the right amount of cloud cover to protect the soil from extreme temperatures. After the plants reach the soil surface, there can’t be strong winds that would uproot the plants.

Superblooms are rare and beautiful. It’s important to capture the beauty of one without disturbing the life that grows. Write a piece inspired by the concept of superblooms!

The guidelines

  1. Write any kind of piece based on the prompt above!
  2. Make sure your first tag is either “Fiction,” “Poetry,” “Essay,” or “Article,” depending on what it is.
  3. Tag me at the end of your piece (@rosierosebtr3), so I can read your response and comment on it!
  4. If you publish your piece outside of Promptly Written, be sure to tag @ravynehawke as well so she can view your post and mention it in our newsletters.

Happy writing!



Rose Maligne
Promptly Written

Writing is a long-lost lover of mine, here is what my muse and I have produced. Enjoy.