New Year Resolution 2022: Let the Sunshine Reach You

“In response to Coffee Challenge: Why I want to be a better me in 2022”

Umme Salma
Promptly Written
5 min readDec 24, 2021


Picture by Jill Wellington on

On the eve of New Year, I always create a list of resolutions but never penned down those. Usually, I paint those thoughts in my mind, but this year the ‘Coffee Challenge’ has inspired me to analyze my journey of the last year, to develop a meaningful resolution for the coming year.

On the chilly winter morning with a cup of coffee, I sit to think about what I did wrong in the previous year. I tried to identify the things which bother me to create beautiful moments. Initially, I thought it was a perfect year for me, blessed with a happy new married life, resigning and escaping from the painful corporate job, and diving into my passionate writing journey; what could be more beautiful than these!

Surprisingly, a few unpleasant memories popped up in my mind while thinking more deeply about the previous year. My mistakes were vividly visible in my mind.

Lesson Learned:

I realize I have wasted so many moments of my life by others’ words and kept grudges for them. In 2021, I wasted so many hours of my special days, like my first marriage anniversary and several weekends nesting others’ negativity and disturbing my inner peace. I won’t get back my precious time. By nature, time will disappear in eternity. But, I could create beautiful memories with those times. Now it feels like I let other people spoil my beautiful painting through their brush.

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. — Mahatma Gandhi

There is a story of rotten tomatoes. Once a teacher decided to play a game with his class. He told each student to bring a plastic bag containing a few tomatoes.

The students will have to name the tomatoes as the person they hate. Accordingly, some had two tomatoes; some three while some up to five tomatoes as per the number of people they hate. The teacher then told them to carry the tomatoes in the plastic bag for one week wherever they went. After a few days, the students started to complain due to the unpleasant smell from the rotten tomatoes.

After one week, as the game ended, the teacher asked them their feeling about carrying the tomatoes. They shared the difficulty of keeping the heavy and smelly tomatoes. The teacher said: “This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart.

Moral of the story: Throw away the hatred of anyone from your heart. Otherwise, it will create a burden on your heart.

At this stage of life, I realize forgiveness is a superpower. It removes the weeds from our life so that we can grow beautifully.

“Remember, when you forgive, you heal, and when you let go, you grow”- Yamilin Rivera.

So, in 2022, my wholehearted effort will be to learn the art of forgiveness. I will try my best not to keep any ill feelings for the wrongdoers and only concentrate on my growth. I will embrace life as we enjoy the beauty of a rose and smell its enchanting fragrance ignoring the thorns around it.

How will this give sunshine to my creativity?

If I can forgive others, I will get more time to brainstorm on my creative works. At the same time, my heart will fill with more peace and comfort by forgiving others. In this way, my heart will be more purified. I believe a fresh mind with a pure soul can create a masterpiece.

Approaching towards the Masterpiece

One fine morning, I started to write on Medium randomly. I crafted only one story, created a profile, and published it without a further plan. Coming here, I fall in love with the place and the soul of this platform — the community spirit.

But I don’t have any master plan or, at least, a weekly/monthly plan to navigate my journey. Planning is important.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

I cannot drive the ship without a navigation system as an aimless journey. Right now, I only know that I want to be a loved writer. But only knowing this is not enough, I must dig down to find the path. There must be a proper strategic plan to establish me as one of the most loved writers.

So, in 2022, I will focus on developing a strategic plan to move forward. I did not even write my ‘About me’ story to introduce me to the readers. I have seen some terrific ‘about me’ posts of some talented writers, such as Yousuf Rafi, Sara Burdick, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles and many more. Those stories inspire me to develop my own.

Apart from developing my profile and strategic plan, I will do some courses on storytelling, English language, blogging, and many more to enrich my writing skills.

However, I allocate designated time in my daily to-do list to read the stories of some brilliant writers which I will continue more devotedly.

Dr. Preeti Singh, Tamil, Kris Bedenian, Neera Handa Dr, Liberty Forrest, Author, Yana Bostongirl, Winston,Yousuf Rafi, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Walter Pop Matthews IV, A.H. Mehr, pockett dessert, Ali, Arbab Z., B.R. Shenoy, Sorina Raluca Băbău, Radhika Iyer, Niall Leah, Sharing Randomly, Sujona Chatterjee, Deb Fiore, Trista Signe Ainsworth, Lucia Landini, Art Bram, Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Amanda Laughtland, Sam Branstner, Karen Schwartz, Tessa Koller and the list goes on.

Their writing mesmerize me. I will look forward to collaborating to create our magical pieces.


I am in my mid-30s, and I am grateful to the Almighty for everything, every struggle that shapes me, every blessing that nourishes me.

Earlier, I thought only about what I was gaining. Now I think it’s time to give back to the world. I dream of bringing smiles to others’ faces and healing others’ wounds. I am not a doctor, counselor, or therapist. But, I am a writer and know the power of writing. So, I want to explore my writing journey with the dedication to bringing positive changes in my readers’ life, whatever small that may be.

I want to give a shout-out to the brilliant writer, pockett dessert, for crafting the beautiful story titled, Walk With Me Into A New Year Of Peace.

I also want to thank Winston for offering this game-changing challenge in Coffee Times to reflect on our journey in 2021 so that we can grow and bloom in the coming year.

A special thanks to Winston and all of the Coffee Times editors Yana Bostongirl, Dr. Preeti Singh, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Sharing Randomly, Marrisa W., Drashti Shroff for their superb dedication to shine the Coffee Times as a dazzling star.

I am deeply thankful to Ravyne Hawke, for giving us this beautiful publication ‘Promptly Written’ to publish our stories for the Coffee Challenge.

Happy New Year 2022 😊

