Oh, No More Notice

Drive carefully, dear

Promptly Written
2 min readDec 13, 2021


Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Every mail I receive,
The notices I don’t wish to read,
They are like every grain of seed,
That grew like a plant of notice.

Oh no,
I am having a stomach ache now,
My heart beats fast,
I don’t want to pay any summon now.

What should I do now,
There’s no way but to drive safely,
Smiles on my face,
When there is no more notice,
Frown on traffic police’s face,
As he just missed a prey.

Last week, my father shared a story. One day, he walked toward his parked car after lunch and he met an old man who was struggling to pay the summon. In Malaysia, we can pay our summons via an app. So, my father offered help to pay the summon thinking that it would be less than MYR 10.00 for each summon(USD 2.38). When my father checked the old man’s accumulated summons, to his shock, the old man had accumulated 90 summons. When he told that old man, he was utterly shocked as well. He suspected that his wife might be the culprit and he walked away with despair. Pity him.

So, drive carefully so that we don’t collect any notices anymore.

Thank you, Ravyne Hawke for the wonderful yet challenging prompt. Check out her prompt here.

