On the Banks

Kevin Baugh
Promptly Written
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2023

A poem about the scars of young love.

Source: Mathew Benoit

On the banks of the mighty Mississipp’,
Light of a full moon, warmth of a sandbar, fire in the pit.
From your beer, you gave me that first sip,
And from your cigarette, you gave me my first hit.
When your lips were so luscious and red,
All I could think about was being naked atop your bed.
We were complete opposites; you, the top campus athlete,
And me, the one your friends liked to beat.
You made me feel like I wasn’t alone.
You never made me walk away with my head hung in defeat.
I always felt welcome when I could hear your baritone.

On the banks of the mighty Mississipp’,
Faded moon, cool night, fire unlit;
In secret with you, a continued courtship.
If the town only knew, they would throw a fit.
A creature like me and their favorite thoroughbred.
You always made me feel like your newlywed.
When’er I wanted to make a full retreat,
Somehow you knew how to make my heart complete.
A sweet, gentle whisper that I was your own,
Together we could conquer any feat.
Oh, the seeds of love you have sown!

On the banks of the mighty Mississipp’,
Darkness surrounds us, embers in the pit.
Laying on the blanket, your hands on my hip,
We did things on the sandbar that I must omit.
Your hands were ever gentle as they cradled my head.
My heart was racing, not knowing what lies unsaid.
You loved me with the passion of 1000 Suns heat.
The next day my eyes you would not greet.
A night of passion and a heartfelt moan,
Now all heartbreak and memories are bittersweet.
Your friends found out and threatened your throne.

On the banks of the mighty Mississipp’,
Storm raging, heart in a fit,
Feeling like an abandoned ship.
Word has spread of me, and the things done while moonlit.
Each day is now filled with endless dread.
Yet for him, my last tear here was finally shed.
Gone was the boy so gentle and so sweet,
Before him now stands one made of concrete.
Whims of fancy, of love, of life together, have flown,
From his tower, untouchable, I want to unseat.
Just once, to darken his perfect, beautiful cheekbone!

On the banks of the mighty Mississipp’,
Lying on the sandbar pieced together bit by bit,
Home for good, no more need for soldiership.
Left town to allow my wings to spread,
Never thinking about that time under the showerhead.
Now alone, the mind wanders to you, I must admit.
How has life treated you? I must entreat.
Though now, you could be just any man in the street.
What a sight we must be, all full-grown.
Our story left so aggressively incomplete.
Until I found your name written upon the stone.

After that night, this town I fled.
Staying, you secretly were consumed with dread.
Allowing me to believe all this time your love was counterfeit,
The truth was too painful to elicit.
Now, ’tis my turn to give a moan,
My soulmate has yet again with me quit.
Now on the banks, I sit all alone.

A Promptly Written writing prompt and personal life events inspired this poem. Ravyne Hawke and Petunia Petals helped to edit it.

NAPOWRIMO is upon us! I plan to increase my poetry output (and standard) this month. If you would enjoy reading any of my other works, please follow me, and subscribe to my list to be notified when I upload new items.



Kevin Baugh
Promptly Written

Entrepreneur • Poet • Fiction Writer • Crafter • Amateur Photographer • Artist • Gardener • Veteran • Cook • Neurodivergent