One in 15,300

Ultimate Electric

Rose Maligne
Promptly Written


Photo by Glenn Abelson on Unsplash

It’s a sweltering late afternoon in July. A waning crescent moon can be seen low in the darkening sky, just shy of being covered by thick clouds. Justin glanced at the small lunar sliver while he wiped a line of sweat from his forehead. He heard somewhere that seeing a crescent moon during the day was a sign of good luck.

Justin stands at the bottom edge of his lawn, surveying the clean lines his lawnmower made. He takes a deep breath through his nostrils, savoring the scent of freshly-cut grass. He caused such a pleasant aroma!

In his hands, he holds a bowl of ramen, mixed with turmeric and cayenne pepper. The spice of the food was beginning to make his nose run. He smiles and turns his back to his lawn, choosing then to take a scan of the neighborhood, admiring the nice houses he was privileged enough to live near.

He hears a car coming from the other end of a faraway road hill. Right as he turns to see which of his great neighbors was coming home, a white blast explodes above his head, reaching behind him. He’s blasted forward, landing in the middle of the road as the resulting thunder finishes its crashing, his cheek scraping the pavement.

For a moment, there is nothing.

Tires squeal in his left ear, further causing pain in his frightened nerves. He can’t…



Rose Maligne
Promptly Written

Writing is a long-lost lover of mine, here is what my muse and I have produced. Enjoy.