One Magical Winter Night

A Snow Story

Promptly Written


A snowy lane with a lantarn
Photo by María Blázquez on Unsplash

On a cold winter night, my bladder woke me up. Having taken care of that I was about to get back in my warm bed. Then I saw that the light shining from the curtain was quite bright. Remembering that the weather guy had promised snow. (Snow! Finally after so long without) I couldn’t help myself and drew the curtain aside. I was greeted with a long-awaited sight.

The front lawns and streets were covered with snow. Not just the dusting we had gotten used to calling ‘wintery’, but a royal layer covering all.

Shivering now the cold was reaching out through the window, I quickly put on my duster and sat in the window-sill. It was still snowing lightly and my heart grew warm and fuzzy with the sight. It was too early for cars to ruin the streets with their unforgiving wheels. The neighbouring lawns were undiscernible from my own, the white blanket connecting gardens and porches in one of those beautiful Kinkaid paintings.

The moon was shining bright, lending a blueish glow to all. It even made the snowflakes glitter. Wait, can the moon make the snowflakes glow from within? I rubbed my eyes and saw the little pricks of blue light twirl around, gathering more and more in one place. On the edge of where the sidewalk borders on my lawn the snowflakes lit up more and more, making shapes. I felt my jaw slacken and…



Promptly Written

Dutchy writing English: reviews, interesting things, musings & (fantasy) fiction shorts. Sharing knowledge, opinions and stories while connecting to readers