
Paw Prints On The Heart

A farewell

Izzibella Beau
Promptly Written


Image created by the author using DALL-E

In the quiet of the morning, without your gentle paw,

The world seems so much colder, in every flaw I saw.

Your bark is just an echo, in memories so clear,

A reminder of the love we held so very dear.

We walked through seasons together, under the sun and moon,

Your tail a wagging beacon, that faded all too soon.

The park feels empty without you, the leash hangs still and sad,

A testament to the bond we shared, the best I’ve ever had.

Your eyes, once full of mischief, now stars that softly glow,

Guiding me through the darkness, on the path I now must go.

The heartbreak feels unending, a void too vast to fill,

Each corner of our home whispers, of your indomitable will.

But in the grief and silence, your spirit lingers on,

In every burst of laughter, in every new dawn.

You taught me love is timeless, it never truly parts,

For every paw print fades from earth, but never from our hearts.

To move forward is to carry you, in every step I take,

To see the world through your eyes, and love for love’s sake.

Though you’ve crossed the rainbow bridge, our journey doesn’t end,

In every heart you’ve touched, you’ll always be a friend.

So here’s to you, my loyal companion, my guide through every storm,

In the tapestry of life, you were the warmest form.

I’ll find you in the sunrise, and the stars above,

Thank you for the memories, thank you for the love.

Thank you Promptly Written and Dr. Casey Lawrence for today’s prompt

Write a story, essay, or poem from the perspective of someone grieving a loss. What does loss mean to you / the character? What have they lost? How can they move forward?

This poem is dedicated to all my furbabies who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I love and miss you. Wait for me on the other side.



Izzibella Beau
Promptly Written

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond