Poem: Flip The Hourglass

Zaineb Afzal
Promptly Written
Published in
Jan 1, 2022
Photo by SUNBEAM PHOTOGRAPHY on Unsplash

Let’s flip the hourglass again.
You say time is just another social construct
but it still feels heavy on my chest. Fear and sorrow
weigh on the heart, real or not. My veins wrapped
into a knot. For every beat, the blood clots.
tick, tock, tick, tock.
So let me turn it upside down. Can we
go back to how it was before? or will the past
become a sandstorm
before it settles at the same spot?
So we flip the hourglass again.
Let’s bring another day or just another chance.



Zaineb Afzal
Promptly Written

Writer. Author of Spare Change (2020). founding the author choice content platform.