Prompt Yourself: Weekly Prompts August 7–August 13

Prompts to tempt your muses

Bella Smith ⭐
Promptly Written
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2023


Side view portrait of a relaxed teen drinking coffee looking outside through a window in a rainy day of winter at home
Photo by Antonio Guillem purchased via istockphoto

Welcome to week thirty-two and my third post of the weekly prompt for Promptly Written. It’s been raining hard here at home for two weeks now, so everything feels cold to me lately, and I drink a lot of coffee in a day. Haha.

Although I love the rain, I miss getting out in the morning, walking around, and feeling the sun on my face. So I will base this week’s prompts on the weather, my feelings, and coffee.

Before we get started, here are a couple of quick reminders:

How This Works

  1. Use these prompts to write poetry, fiction, an essay, creative non-fiction, or an article. They are totally open to interpretation! Include a link to the prompt at the bottom of your post.
  2. If you use one of these prompts, you can submit the result here at PW, to any publication that accepts prompts from other publications, or self-publish. If you submit somewhere besides PW, make sure to include a link to the prompt and tag PW editors (including me @bellasmith0705) so that we do not miss reading your story!
  3. You don’t have to use just PW’s prompts to submit work here. We are also an open…

