Promptly Written Spiritual Prompt for the Week of February 27th to March 5th

A quote from my favorite author — Hermann Hesse

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Promptly Written


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One of the most life-altering spiritual books one can read is not written by a self-help, nor a self-improvement, nor a spiritual or another sort of guru of any type. I speak of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. I suspect I will issue several prompts using Hesse quotes from this and other books of his. Here is the first, which is from Siddhartha:

“When someone searches for something, it can easily be that they see only the thing they have in mind: they are unable to take in anything else, unable to accept anything else, because they are fixated on that one thing to the exclusion of everything else. Pursuing the truth means having an objective in mind. Finding, on the other hand, is about freedom, about being open to discovery, about knowing one’s ultimate destination.”

Write a poem, essay, or fiction that comes to your mind from reading that quote.

Last April, with that quote in mind, I wrote this tanka:

Transformative signs
Spiritual decoding
Impulse resonates
Discernment confirmation
Alignment defeats bias



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Promptly Written

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.