Pure Filth

A poem of intentional indecency

Charlie Cole
Promptly Written


To be untouched
By this world, I was born to
Is that my destiny?

Existing within walls
I had no say in constructing
No blemish of life

Must brandish this skin

Prim, proper, and pretty
The only qualities I’m allowed to adopt
Not conducive to what I have to give

Why I must never leave
And venture forth in defiance
Forbidden from a future

Solely carved by me

As sure as the snow falls in winter
I will be expected to waste my spirit
Forever the picture of innocence

However, there is a crack
This perfectly built cage
Has an exploit

With fists of fury
And hot hammers of determination
I will burst through

Touched, dirty, and marked by this world
As is inevitable for us all
Just like the mud of my escape will soil you

This snowbank must drift
Out into the beckoning sun
Melting free from the mold

Whose only God is now my own destiny

Whoops, I definitely have more than 15 lines, kind of ran away from me! This is a response to the prompt put forth by Ravyne Hawke, found here.



Charlie Cole
Promptly Written

Writer • Photographer • Editor • Champion Overthinker • She/Her • https://linktr.ee/charliecole_