Queen of the Zegblords 10,000th Jubilee

It’s enough to make any monarch HUNGRY

Stefan Grieve
Promptly Written
3 min readJun 1, 2022


Millions of zegblords filled the steps leading up to the citadel. Aqua skin, pincers and multiple limbs, with their best bright coloured clothes, for, after all, this was a special occasion.

The Earth Peacekeeping soldiers stood high up on a citadel overlooking the platform. They were armoured in standard-issue grey, and they had left their weapons on their ship as a further sign of peace.

“By the Earthlord, they don’t half look like ants down there, sir,” said Sergeant Jenny Sand. “Well, they are ants, I guess. Well, related genetically, in a way.

“Whatever they are, they are happy.” said the General. “And that's how they should stay.”

He glared at his squad, “Got that?”

All were silent, and none were more silent than First officer Jim Hawk.

The 10,000th Jubillee festival food was moving around Jim’s fork.

“What’s wrong Jim?” asked the general, “Never had food with actual flavour before?”

Jim put his fork down.

The consuming part of the festival was on its way, and they were still on their floating platform. The squad ate together, along with the Spokesperson of the Queen, a zegblord in a grey robe.

All the rest of the alien's race were eating food on the steps to the citadel below them.

Jim said weakly, “I feel bad about how high up we are.”

“Why, afraid you’ll fall?” smirked Jenny.

“No,” said Jim, sulkily, “I think we should be amongst the natives.”

“You really don’t,” spoke up the spokesperson who had been quiet until then.

“What do you mean?”

The spokesperson put down his fork, and gave a grim smile, “When the ceremony begins, those doors will open, and our Queen will descend. She will feast on her subjects, before going into hibernation and then giving birth to the new race.”

“Are you serious!?” gasped Jim.

“It’s the way of things,” said the spokesperson.

“It’s barbaric!” Jim said.

“I dunno, some of those decorative plates my aunt had on Earth could be described like that,” said Jenny, the General laughing.

The General then jabbed a finger at Jim, saying, “Now, we’re here just to observe and keep the peace.”

“Keep the peace? We’ve got a massacre on our hands!”

“Mass dinner, I’d say,” said Jenny, the General snorting in his drink.

“The feed must commence. Otherwise, the Queen has not got sufficient energy for the next generation,” said the spokesperson.

“We have to do something!” Jim cried.

“No,” said the General.

“I’m — ”

“No,” he said, with a strong frown wrinkling his features.

Jim went back to stare at his food.

The moment came.

The doors of the Citidal opened, and in its place was the queen.

“Well, she doesn’t have a crown,” smirked Jenny.

The gigantic form of the alien queen slithered forward, like a gigantic bug, with a slathering jaw. She roared.

“What is he doing?” Jenny said under her breath, like an embarrassed sibling as Jim stepped to the edge of the platform.

“GET OUT OF THE WAY! THE QUEEN! SHE’S COMING TO EAT YOU! SHE’S — -” Jim Hawk was pushed over the edge by the General.

“And may she reign forever and forever…” said the General, as the Queen of the Zegblords devoured her subjects.

Christine Graves

Take us on a galactic journey
A military vessel lands on the home planet of an intergalactic queen.



Stefan Grieve
Promptly Written

British writer based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Chairperson of writing group ‘’Wakefield Word.’