
Which reality is real

Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2022


Photo by Uriel on Unsplash

Anna squinted and bent down a little lower to the flower in question. She could have sworn when she stepped out her front door, the little purple flower was standing on its roots, walking. But when she blinked, the flower was back in the ground.

She poked the stem with her finger, but still, it did nothing. “Someone’s playing a joke on me.” She mumbled as she walked the rest of the way down her walkway and onto the sidewalk. Her best friend Emma’s house was just a few houses down, and that’s where she headed.

A horn blasted behind her, and she jumped out of the way just as a boy on a flying scooter zipped past. She stared open-mouthed at the contraption. It was the first time she had seen anything like that. Shaking her head, she climbed the stairs up to Emma’s front porch and rang the doorbell.

An image of Emma’s face appeared in an oval-shaped pain of glass. “I’ll be right out.” The screen went black, and seconds later, Emma opened the door and stepped outside.

“When did you get the high-tech doorbell?”

Emma scrunched up her face. “You need to work on your jokes. What are we going to do today?” She jumped up on the brick ledge that lined the porch. “ I thought maybe we could go to the walking garden and watch the plants, maybe even talk to them. Or we could go to…



Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written

I am a multi genre author writing mostly romance, fantasy, and sci-fi.