Respondent numbers to the very least of worries

Rewarding self—karmic debt paid in full

Joseph Lieungh
Promptly Written


Photo by Laura Baker on Unsplash

Into the darkest nights, bittersweet cacophony playing in the backdrop — leading out of sight, visually impaired as the masses collective vibratory thought teases — temptingly challenging self-belief in a greater whole. Remaining sure-footed on a path less traveled, then sings my soul — heartfelt chorus leading home, distant galaxies calling out our name, noticing a similar thread binding the all within the all.

With play-on-words –unscripted prompts from the cosmic appearance of the apathetic befalling heavenly divided tongue, further separating the sheep and wolves from the daily stories, falling prey to predator’s sharpened pen. Stepping into the Canvas — brush in hand, quill’s magical tones, laying the foundation with a single seed — grain of sand carrying memories of whole planetary involvement.

There is not a single clap for clap interaction, but true seekers’ binding name — written in the Great book privy to those purest hearts. Infinite gratitude for those arrivals — notebooks in hand, writing themselves worthy of timelessness and sacred volumes of inspiring words for the next of kin — reading another pilgrim’s journey of self-realization.

