Resurrecting Faith

Word of the day prompt challenge

Rayna Pummel
Promptly Written
2 min readApr 20, 2022


Created By Author Via Canva

Searching for some form of spirituality

I’m told it is all I need.

It’s the only missing piece I can put my finger on,

quite honestly.

Having had faith once before,

I’ve found it more difficult to allow it in again.

No matter how much I beg for it,

I can’t seem to find the willingness.

An ego too inflated to admit it doesn’t know.

A heart too broken to allow the love inside to flow.

Constantly questioning:

How could something have the best interest of me

when my entire life I've been cleaning up tragedies?

I needed this unconditional love 17 years ago

when my parents were emotionally and physically unavailable!

It would have been readily accepted even 12 years ago, at 15

before the drugs were presented to me as problem-solving.

Or before my mother stomped on my faith, mocked me for believing.

Why do you need to get baptized now? I think you can wait.

Trust me all you’ll ever need is family anyway.

I’ve been told I overthink it, analyze it to death.

Got to keep it simple or it will never make sense.

I’m a questioner,

this I cannot help!

I need to know the why, how, and when!

Look how that’s been working out for me..

Maybe I need to take this lesson in acceptance.

Take this leap of blind faith, put the preconceived notions away.

This higher power is of my understanding,

so it is just what I decide it is,

it is whatever I want it to be.

Thank you for reading!!! Thank you Christine Graves for the inspiration from your wonderful Word-A-Day prompts!! I have had this block up for a while and you along with the other editors of Promptly Written always help rid my mind of these!

Again thank you all for reading and for supporting me on this journey! I am forever grateful and blessed for all of you and your encouraging words!

-Rayna P



Rayna Pummel
Promptly Written

A Recovering Addict, Mother of 2, 27 year old ♒ This is my experience, strength, and truth about my journey to untangling my mind.