Samuel’s Three-Time Dimensions

A series of short stories “The Dots”

Promptly Written
2 min readNov 20, 2021


He was too tired from walking in the desert. His horse was also thirsty and tired. He wanted to eat his food too, which his wife packed for him. He saw a dead city with broken homes and dry wells during the journey. He stopped near the dead city and many questions came to his mind about death, life, and the passing time. He wished and prayed to get the answers, as he was a man of wisdom. He was too confused by looking at the dead city and felt a strange feeling of anxiety. He was about to eat when suddenly he heard a loud sound and a strange man came in front of nowhere and then everything went dark.

He woke up after a long sleep. He saw the same man in front of him smiling.

“Who are you and what has happened?” Samuel asked him.

“You asked a very interesting question, so God liked it and he sent me to answer you Samuel.” the man replied

" Are you an angel? and what was my question?” Samuel wanted to confirm that the man was not lying.

The man repeated the same words and asked, “You don’t believe me, dear? Are you doubting my words?”

“Look at yourself, your horse, and your food which you were about to eat when I came my friend,” the man continued.

Samuel was astonished to see the skeleton of his horse but the food was still fresh. “What is this? how is this possible?”

"Listen Samuel you were asleep for 100 years, so your horse turned into bones in those years but you are still young and healthy. Now look at your food it is still fresh,” the messenger told him.

Samuel was almost terrified by looking, that how differently time had affected his horse, his food, and his own body.

“Do not be afraid. Yes, you are looking at three-time dimensions in a small piece of land. You, your horse, and your food were in three different time dimensions.”

Horse’s bones indicated around 100 years. Samuel’s body indicated one full day or two days of sleep. The food indicated a one-minute time frame. Samuel was staring at the horse, his hands, and then his food. He could not believe what he was experiencing.

“This is the answer to your prayer Samuel. The lord does what he wants to do whenever he wants. This is how he gives life, this is how he gives death and this is how he keeps the passing time constant when he wants to.”




Promptly Written

hi everyone, I am a writer and a painter. I write poetry, short stories and my broken thoughts as well to understand and discover life.