She Collects Sea shells on the Sea shore

Response to KTHT prompt’When values and traditions change”

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Promptly Written


poem and photo by author
Photo by Monoreena

“Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” — Barack Obama

What was she thinking
Picking sea shells on that white beach,
Competing with that little blonde girl —
From her petite face, came scorns
Her angry glares warning,” this is my world,
Don’t you dare”,

The adult in her
Woke up to her child within
Craved for some air
Some freedom previously not seen…

In a turn of events,
She touched upon
Herself —

It is not the keys that write
But your soul,
How many can bring words
From one’s core’s bowl,
Words shine like pearls
On paper crusted,
Making home in some
heart rusted,
Entwined with unknown,
Slipping into shoes unworn,
Living with you, your life
An empath’s true goal,

The world in her eyes
Love in her heart,
She sets out to change the
colour of the earth,
They are brown and green
We all know —

Take a second look
Do you see a rainbow?!

Author’s Notes:“The highest form of knowledge is empathy.” Bill Bullard

I took a breach break a good few years back which proved to be a life changing experience.
I can point at many, but will stick to one today. That being a chore of collecting shells from the white pristine beach every morning along with a little girl (about 5 years old),who will take me as her competitor.She would give me stares with her big expressive eyes, that made their presence felt in her small face, as she surveyed her all as the queen, me relegated to play the fiend. I would collect the broken ones and keep the whole ones for her, to see that triumphant look on her face, as I would exchange smiling glance with her mother.

And in all this, I found a pleasure which alluded me in the rigours of my work- illness -work existence, and a self in me found calm and happiness, even when my sense of loss ( following my diagnosis)and emptiness was raw and bleeding.

This incident converted me from a competitor and connected me to a part I never knew existed in me : The Empath.

Carrying forward from Yana Bostongirl and her thoughtful tag in the-empath-supernova, thank you!

Thank you Jules Spyder Ravyne Hawke Diana C., team KTHT for their continuous efforts to jog writer’s minds.

Here’s tagging Harry Stefanakis Joseph Lieungh MN as friends and empaths.

Thank you Ravyne Hawke Christine Graves, for this amazing space in Promptly Written to garage our thoughts.

Thank you for your time and engagement.Always appreciated.

