So… How Much?

Writers’ Sunday Prompt #2

Katrina D.
Promptly Written


Photo by Katrin Hauf on Unsplash

“How much for all this?”

The woman tossed a huge cardboard box on the counter, her face barely visible behind it. I glanced inside, noting an assortment of home gym equipment and kitchen utensils: the box had been filled to the brim with junk.


She huffed as she spoke, brushing stray hairs out of her lowered eyes. I frowned at her haphazard hair bun and flushed cheeks, recognizing a woman in a rush. I’d make an easy $50 from the workout crap alone.

“I’ll give you $20 for everything,” I replied, expecting her to haggle. My eyebrows went up as she nodded immediately, holding out a hand. She finally peeked up at me and I noticed her pupils were a vibrant violet color, somehow blinding to look at. She threw her gaze back to the floor as I blinked to get the spots out of my vision.

“I’ll take it,” she muttered. I pulled the bill from the register and dropped it into her palm. She bolted, the shop door swinging shut behind her before I could wish her a good day.

“Welp, more for me!” I whispered to myself. Reaching into the box, I flinched as something hit my open hand hard; it felt like catching a softball barehanded.

I jumped back and pulled out what looked like a miniature tea kettle. It had no…



Katrina D.
Promptly Written

Dancer. Writer. California-grown. I find myself happiest when creating something out of nothing.