Something In The Salsa

A 100-word story of two lovers’ unexpected first meeting.

Tas (they/them)
Promptly Written


Two men standing in the water with their arms around each other. One man is kissing the other mans head.
Photo by Radek Pestka on Unsplash

The spicy scent of salsa filled the air as Kevin gasped at the view of a stranger entering the restaurant. The figure had no chiseled jawline and no George Clooney smile. He was an indescribable beauty with ocean waves as eyes.

Kevin wrangled his courage like a stubborn horse into a stable.

“Join me?”

Their eyes met filling the room with nervous energy.


Red-faced Kevin retreated to his booth and fiddled with his salsa. It was the color of his embarrassment. A tap on the shoulder diverted Kevin’s eyes. The deep blue ocean waves hypnotized him.

He said yes.

Prompt by Ravyne Hawke “Salsa”

Tas is an autistic neurodivergent writer. They are advocates for social justice, and equality, and are scholars of life.



Tas (they/them)
Promptly Written

Tas is an autistic horror writer with a deep love for science fiction and body horror.